Mental health and wellbeing support
If you’re feeling anxious, worried or stressed, that's OK. We’ll help you find the right help and support.
No matter what you're struggling with, there’s help out there for you. We’ve gathered some organisations and online resources that can offer support.
Mental health helplines are open 24/7
The following resources are a great starting point for general mental health support.
- Breathing Space – online advice and a helpline for over 16s in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.
- Samaritans – online support and a helpline whenever you’re in a crisis.
- NHS 24 – healthcare information and a helpline.
- Childline – online advice and a helpline for anyone based in the UK aged 18 and under.
- Papyrus – online resources and a helpline for young people aged 35 and under.
Looking after your mental health and wellbeing
At school:
- Young Minds – a guide for young people experiencing exam stress
- BBC bitesize – exams, revision and wellbeing support
- Charlie Waller – help and support for results day and if you're planning on going to uni
At college or university:
- UCAS – mental health and wellbeing support for students
- Student Minds – mental wellbeing resources for students
- SAMH – coping with student life
In work:
- Mind – information and support if you're struggling at work
- SAMH – be mentally healthy at work
- – a mental health at work resource for Scotland's apprentices
- NHS Inform – get advice and help on dealing with low mood, anxiety, stress and more
- BBC Bitesize – tips, advice and inspirational stories to help you navigate life's challenges
- Young Scot – emotional wellbeing and mental health information for young people
- Young Minds – practical information and mental health support
- SAMH – self-help and wellbeing information and support
Mental health advice for parents and carers
If you're concerned about the wellbeing of your child or a young person you care for, there's help available. The NHS has put together helpful online guides for supporting your child with a range of issues, including:
- exam stress
- anger management
- anxiety
- depression
- coping with difficult feelings
Visit to access free online help.